• Market at the Marina

    Q & A

  • All of our events are open to handmade, fair trade or vintage vendors. We do not allow MLM or direct sales at this time.

    Q: How can I apply to become a vendor at the pop-up market?

    A: To apply, please visit our official website and complete the vendor application form. Be sure to provide details about your products, booth presentation, and any other relevant information.

    Q: What criteria do you consider when selecting vendors for the pop-up market?

    A: Vendor selection is based on factors such as the originality of products, diversity of offerings, booth presentation, and, in the case of similar products, proximity to the event. We strive for a well-balanced mix of established and new vendors.

    Q: How will I be notified if my application is accepted?

    A: Once the selection process is complete, accepted vendors will be notified via email. The email will include detailed information about booth assignments, load-in instructions, and any additional requirements.

    Q: What types of products are you looking for from vendors?

    A: We aim for a diverse range of products to offer attendees a unique shopping experience. We welcome a variety of handmade, artisanal, and locally sourced goods. Please refer to the vendor application for specific product categories.

    Q: Can vendors from outside the local area apply?

    A: Yes, we encourage vendors from both the local area and beyond to apply. While we prioritize local vendors, we also appreciate the diversity that out-of-region or out-of-state vendors bring to the market.

    Q: What is the cost associated with participating as a vendor?

    A: Vendor fees and any associated costs are outlined on the application form and will be in the acceptance notification. These fees contribute to event logistics, promotion, and other essential services to ensure a successful pop-up market.

    Q: Are there specific requirements for booth setup and presentation?

    A: Yes, we have guidelines for booth setup and presentation. Details will be provided in the vendor acceptance package, including information on booth size, layout, and any specific requirements to maintain a cohesive and attractive market atmosphere.

    Q: Is there parking available for vendors?

    A: Details about vendor parking will be included in the event logistics provided to accepted vendors. We strive to make the load-in and load-out process as convenient as possible.

    Q: Can I share a booth with another vendor?

    A: Booth sharing may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please specify your request in the vendor application, and we will evaluate the feasibility based on space availability and product compatibility.

    Q: How can I promote my participation in the pop-up market?

    A: We encourage vendors to leverage social media and other marketing channels to promote their participation. We will also provide marketing materials that vendors can use to enhance their visibility leading up to the event.

    Q: Are there restrictions to my booth setup?
    A: This space is yours to set up however you see fit. Your acceptance email will go over what size booth you were approved for and how much that booth costs. Vendors are responsible for their entire setup including table, chairs, table covering, signage, etc.

    Q: Do you offer any payment plans or discounts on your booth fees?

    A: We understand finances can be tight, especially when first starting out. These are a few options we offer to help vendors afford their booth fee:

    ​First, vendors are welcome to ask for an extension to pay their booth fee. We understand that sometimes vendors might need to wait for another event to happen, or for a paycheck to arrive, before they can afford another booth fee.

    Second, vendors are welcome to pay in installments. All invoices give you the option to pay partial payments. However, all payments must be finalized 2 weeks before the market.


    For either of the options mentioned above, kindly reach out to us via email at info@simplybossevents.com. Please inform us of the date you intend to make the payment, confirming your commitment to being a vendor. Given that our events often have a waitlist, we aim to promptly inform vendors about their status. We are more than willing to reserve your spot until full payment is made, provided we have assurance of your intention to pay and continued interest in participating as a vendor.

    Q: Is there a "Force Majeour" clause?

    A: We have no control over "acts of God," such as pandemics, including variants of the COVID-19 virus. However, in the event of such circumstances leading to the cancellation of a Market at the Marina event, we are committed to refunding 100% of your booth fee, except PayPal processing fees. PayPal typically charges between 2.4% to 3.6% per transaction.

    Market at the Marina adheres to local laws and safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, if an event is held indoors and the city or county mandates the use of masks, vendors must comply with the mask-wearing requirement. Similarly, if the city implements a vaccine passport policy, vendors are expected to be vaccinated. We also strongly encourage vendors to provide hand sanitizer at their booths for customer use.


    Q: Do you require vendors to have a seller's permit?

    A: Vendors are required to obtain their seller's permit and any other necessary licenses for vending. This includes obtaining a tax ID in states where it is mandatory to collect sales tax.


    Liability Disclaimer:

    Market at the Marina assumes no responsibility for any accidents caused by customers to your booth, the products within your booth, or any incidents your booth may cause to customers. By completing and signing a vendor application, vendors acknowledge their potential liability if a customer is injured due to their display. Market at the Marina strongly recommends that vendors consider investing in insurance for their small businesses, providing peace of mind at an affordable cost. This precautionary measure could prove invaluable in the event of a worst-case scenario.


    Insurance Guidance:

    When seeking business insurance, we highly recommend initiating the process by contacting the insurance company you


    Q: Do I need to collect sales tax?

    A: Most likely, yes. There are only five states exempt from sales tax requirements, namely Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.


    There are two common approaches to sales tax collection. The first method involves adding sales tax to the total product order. For instance, if an item costs $10 and the sales tax is 5.5% (local sales tax in Madison, WI, for example), you would collect $10.55, with $0.55 designated as the sales tax.


    The alternative option is to incorporate the sales tax into the item's price. If your item is listed at $10, and the sales tax is 5.5%, collecting $10 means you still need to remit the 5.5%, resulting in earnings of $9.45 instead of $10. This method can be more convenient, especially in crowded events where transactions are primarily in cash. However, note that some cities, like Madison, WI, may require you to display a sign in your booth indicating that sales tax is included in the product price.


    Have questions we didn't cover here? Please reach out to info@simplybossevents.com